District adds security guard

By Shelby Stewart
Staff Writer
Brandon Twp.- At a special meeting of Oct. 25, the board of education voted 7-0 to contract a security guard from Premier Security for the high school main entrance.
“We have retired police at all of the buildings other than the high school,” said district superintendent Dr. Matt Outlaw. “The thought was that the police liaison officer is stationed there and would spend a majority of their time in this location. What we are finding is that the demands of the liaison position are pulling the officer out of the building on investigations and other police work related to the youth of the community.”
A new guard from Premier Security, who employs retired police officers, will be at the high school in the next few weeks.
“The board made the decision to place a dedicated retired police officer at the high school as well,” said Outlaw. “This will guarantee that we have an officer on-site for security at all times for all students in our district. There is a cost to this. We are shifting one current hall monitor to another vacant position in the building, so this helps to off-set the costs of the one additional officer.”

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