Letters Oct. 29

Thank you

Dear Editor,

Last Monday (10-24) was my last official library board meeting. I decided not to re-run as a BTPL trustee again. In the three terms that I served the library, we experienced many ups and downs. I believe that today the library is in a better position than when I began. The library has a good director, and is in a good financial situation. I cherish my time as a trustee, but it is time to move on and have new people represent the community.

Thank you, Brandon citizens and library patrons for allowing me to serve you.

Dr. Royann Hassinger

Dear Editor,

I watched the second presidential debate (Oct.9) which I hadn’t planned to do, but the town hall setting interested me. Especially after seeing the tapes on Trump’s totally disgusting bragging about his exploits with several women.

Early on I was appalled at his “raw” language and the tapes showed it to be much more than that! He is the one who should be in jail, which the tapes prove. His non-apology, was almost laughable, blaming it all on locker room talk (which he repeated about four times that night).

Many sportsman have said that is not locker room talk to them. He isn’t sorry about it happening, he is just sorry that he has been exposed! Exposed for what he is—an evil dishonest, horrible person. He needs to quit the race or be forced out.

Why would we want someone in the White House with his ugly talk and demeanor? What has he done to deserve that honor? He is like a child whining when things don’t go his way and blaming someone else for it? Namely the Clintons. Did he answer any of the questions with a direst answer?

He mostly tried to divert attention to something that Bill or Hillary did. They have both done a lot of good work—they made mistakes, but they are human, too. What has Trump done? Made and lost millions and did other things he doesn’t talk about. If he likes Russia and Putin so much, send him over there and maybe he will realize just how great our country is!

Eileen Bradley


Dear Editor,

The sign on Kent Road is making me uncomfortable. The kindergartners on my school bus are turning to see the sign and try to read it. Overall this sign has offended me and my friends it has made uncomfortable when I go down Kent Road. I hope you understand this is about the sign and not the candidates of the election if I did not make it clear. There is a word on the sign that offends me.

A concerned 11-year old

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