Letters to Santa

Kelley Alford’s second grade students from Oaktree Elementary School

Dear Santa,
I like my elf Elma. She is good at hiding. Please tell her that she can hide in the fridge. Now let’s talk about poor people. When will you give things to poor people? Toys, clothes, shoes too. They really need it soooooooooooooo bad. Please do that please and thank you, Santa. Love, Mia
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the toys you gave me the past seven years. Can you please take my baby toys away and give them to a home? I mostly want a scooter, and a couple Lego sets. Love, Alexander
Dear Santa,
I really want homeless people to get all the stuff that we get. All we get is cool stuff, but homeless people don’t get anything. Love, Alina
Dear Santa,
Thank you for being so nice to everyone. I just want everyone that is homeless to not be homeless. Also, I would really like a plecostomus and a goldfish, but just one works, but I really need a fish tank with it or they’ll die. Love, Hunter
Dear Santa,
Thank you for all those toys. I really want homeless people to get a home. And I want everyone to be happy. And my mom’s dad died and she is a little bit sad, so can you make her happy? My dad wants a new fishing pole. And I want people that are dying to still live.
From, Adam
Dear Santa,
I would really like for people to have a better life, but at the same time, I want a lot of things like an iPad, Nerf gun, Beyblades, Nerf sword, Nerf bullets.
From, Zeke
Dear Santa,
Thank you for last year. Please help all of those people that are poor. And give them some homes and live a happy life. And give some people showers. Please give homeless people and poor people coats. Also some shoes. And some nice clothes. And some toys for the homeless people and the poor people. Some water too. And twenty dollars. And for cancer to not be around. And some stuffed animals. Some beds, some bows, some boats. If they can’t see, please give them glasses. Some hats. And a rain coat so they don’t get rained on.
Love, Anna
Dear Santa, I think I have enough toys and money, can you skip me? And give those toys and money to other people who don’t have those things. Thank you.
Love, Elena
Dear Santa,
Can you send a girl elf on the shelf please? I’ve wanted one since two years now. Please send one. Me, Alia and Kellen have been good this year! Thank you for giving children toys and other things but… please help the homeless!
From, Aven
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the stuff the past years and I would like you to give homeless people stiff. Like more clothes. I would like a yutyrannus and books and clothes for Christmas and I also want more money for food and other things but all normal for the rest. That’s what I would like.
From, Thomas
Dear Santa,
Thank you for all of your presents. Please find a shelter, socks, shoes, clothes and coats for the homeless. Please help the homeless find a place where they can be safe and clean and pajamas, everybody needs pajamas!
Love, Lily
Dear Santa,
Thank you for presents. I want all of the homeless people to find homes. I want a sewing machine.
Love, Ava
Dear Santa,
I have enough toys, but please give some to other kids.
Love, Hunter
Dear Santa,
I don’t want anything for Christmas. I would like for you to say a prayer for the people that are very sick and dying. I would like for cancer to go away. Try to tell Jesus I love him. I would like you to give a present to poor people. Thank you!
Love, Drew
Dear Santa,
I really want a BBgun. Thank you for the past years. I want an RC vehicle, a bunch of Nerf guns and bullets to go with it. Some more toys for me, too. I would like you to help people that are poor or really sick.
Love, David
Dear Santa,
Thank you for Christmas every year. Everywhere there are no decorations the world feels plain. Will you please help the homeless at Christmas? Please give me clothes, shoes, coats and food for Christmas so I can take all of it to a shelter. Can you put a note on the presents so I know they go to the shelter. I would like a stuffed animal, gloves, and a blanket. I would also like some books, bracelets and a toy dog.
Merry Christmas!
Love, Lucy
Dear Santa,
Thank you for all the Christmases before. I really want a Nerf rifle. For my family, a BFG DVD and a set of batteries.
Love, Cash
Dear Santa,
Thank you for all the presents you have given me. I have a lot of toys. Please give some of my toys to people who don’t celebrate Christmas,
Love, Chloe
Dear Santa,
Thank you for last year. Please bring shoes for homeless people and bring shoes, pillows and snacks for them. I want a present for me too.
Love, Mariah
Dear Santa,
Thank you for giving people food, blankets, and pillows, and a home. I want presents, too. I want a robot!
Love, Riley
Dear Santa,
Thank you for all the toys that you have gave me. But I want is for people to have lots of money. Also, a toy crane, hot wheels, marbles, toy cars please.
Sincerely, Aidan
Dear Santa,
I have enough toys, I want you to give homeless people food and money and I want to get food and money to give the homeless people clothes. And I want a Nintendo Switch.
Love, Nolan
Dear Santa,
I want a dirt bike and four wheeler, please and thank you. I want you to help homeless people. I want a bunch of bullets and Nerf guns to get my brother back!
Love, Jacob

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