18th annual golf outing success

Dear Editor:
Thanks to all of the extremely generous businesses and individuals that helped to make our 18th Annual Brandon Atlas Fire Department Golf Outing a success. The proceeds from this year’s outing will help support the University of Michigan Trauma Burn Center, to provide financial aid to children who have been severely burned to attend a burn camp. The 2009 outing raised $5,000.
Also, thank you to all 22 teams of wonderful golfers who came out and supported our causes, as well as the courteous staff of Goodrich Country Club. The outing would not have been possible without all the great people including David Kwapis, Robert Chambers, David Borst, Candee Allen, Karen McArthur, Mary Kassuba, Joe D’Anna, Tom Tebo, Ron Criswell, Christine Fisher, and the Atlas Township Firefighters Association, all who volunteered some of their time to ensure the day was enjoyable as well as successful.
Billy Starr, Tom Westerlund
Co-coordinators 2009 18th Annual Brandon/Atlas Golf Outing