Area unemployment ‘level?

Local unemployment remained steady through 2004 according to a report issued by the Michigan Department of Economic Growth and Development.
‘The best that you can glean from the last three years were that the real increases in unemployment were between 2002 and 2003,? said Jim Rhein, Michigan Department of Economic Growth and Development analyst. ‘Not a lot of change is the good news. We’ve kind of flattened out.?
Brandon Township continues to outpace Oakland County averages by almost 2 percent.
‘For the past few months several have mentioned that they can’t find jobs,? said Ron Lapp, Brandon Township supervior.
‘The market here is kind of soft’we’re suffering as a community. Kids in our area are having a hard time finding jobs.We just don’t have any industry to keep people here.?
Genesee County unemployment was higher than Oakland County. Atlas Township unemployment was the area’s lowest.