Goodrich Theatre trifecta of one act plays

By Shelby Stewart
Staff Writer
Goodrich High School is putting on a night of one act plays Nov. 8-11. The show consists of three, one act productions: Tell-Tale Heart, The Gift of the Goodrich playMagi and Tracks.
“It’s more opportunities for students to act,” said director Steven Mitchell, who directs the show ‘Tracks.’ Lindsey Carlisle is directing ‘Tell-Tale Heart’, and Martin Jennings is directing ‘The Gift of the Magi.’
The three shows are vastly different from each other, but Mitchell had a reason for choosing the three.
“I’m labeling this as the season of surprises, and Tracks is a neat play,” he said. “When I first reach it, it read like a twilight zone. The other two are studied by the ninth grade curriculum. Tell Tale Heart is very stylized, you see into the psyche of the man, it’s not realistic. The Gift of the Magi is the story of the characters loving each other so much they give up their most prized possessions, it’s a nice story of love, it’s a stark contrast to Tell Tale Heart.”
Tell Tale Heart is a story by Edgar Allen Poe about a man who is driven mad by another man who has a milk-white eye and his struggles with his insanity. The Gift of the Magi follows a couple who give up their most prized possessions to be able to give the other a Christmas gift. Tracks follows a group of nine strangers who find themselves in a train station for reasons they would come to discover together.
The show will run around two hours, including an intermission at the Raymond C. Green Center for Performing Arts, 8029 S. Gale Road, Goodrich. It will be at 7 p.m. Nov. 8-10, and at 2:30 p.m. on Nov. 11. Tickets are $9. For ticket reservations and information, call 810-591-2220.

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