Letters to the Editor March 13, 2021

(In response to Ortonville Cemetery clean up April 1, The Citizen March 6, page 4)
Family plots
Dear Editor,
In regards to the spring cleanup at the Ortonville Cemetery.
I clean up my husband’s plot and my in-laws during the spring as well as the fall in the Ortonville Cemetery.
My husband always has honored his parents by planting flowers in the spring and since his father was a World War II veteran, a memorial was important.
I returned in late summer of last year to visit and all the flowers, annuals and perennials, were moved over. I saw tire tracks up to the headstone I had put in place four years ago.
What if the driver of that mower had hit his stone and crack it, knock it over, or had taken a chunk out of it?
I called them twice to complain and no one bothered to call me back. I don’t put anything except flowers in the ground—that’s it just flowers.
I am capable of cleaning up myself. For being so concerned about cleaning up, how about the leaves that you never clean up on the south side? The disrespect to our family plots is sickening.
Rita Byers
Mangia section
Dear Editor,
Sherman Publications, Inc. (publisher of The Citizen) is to be congratulated for the Mangia section of the newspapers.
Restaurants need our support in these very difficult times.
Having a section in the paper highlighting restaurants was a great idea. Having it in color certainly draws attention to it!
Thank you for supporting the community. Jan Tait, Groveland Twp.
(In response to, Sterling Elliott, problem-solving inventor, The Citizen, March 6, page 4.)
Sterling Elliott
Dear Editor,
I just want to reach out to tell you how much I enjoyed the story of Sterling Elliott.
What an inspirational story to hear about this local hero/inventor! Even a a very young age, he saw issues that could be improved and set about to invent something to fix or improve the situation.
He serves as a great example for all our youth today.
Catherine Genovese

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