Letters to the editor, Nov. 23, 2019

Great job DPW
Dear Editor,
Kudos to the Ortonville DPW department for their non-stop effort to battle the first snow storm of the season.
When I saw non-stop, I mean 27 hours without breaks. While we were snug Monday night sleeping, they were still at it. So imagine my surprise to hear village residents complaining about the department.
We have the best DPW department in the area and when their street wasn’t cleared as soon as usual, instead of thinking ‘oh, something must be wrong’ they call and start complaining. And there was something unforeseeable wrong. There were equipment malfunctions on brand new and almost brand new pieces of equipment. Please note the word malfunction, as these were not lack of maintenance issues. I can state for a fact the Village of Ortonville’s equipment has never been taken care of better, with much of it being done in-house, saving the Village tax payers money.
Maybe some of these callers didn’t live here when our sidewalks could go for over a week before any attempt to clear them was made. So a little snow got pushed in my driveway after it was just cleared. I can live with that. I can be responsible for moving a few shovels full when the DPW men have been working for four days straight.
Luann Sutton Mann

You made us laugh
Dear Editor,
Kudos to the Brandon High School for their performance of Murder at Coppersmith Inn, Nov. 14-17.. What a great night of family entertainment. Thank you to the cast for their hard work. You made us laugh. Congratulations again.
Laurie Steehson

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