Letters to the Editor Sept. 18, 2021

Back to school
Dear Editor,
I am sure there are many families out there who thought sending their children “Back to School” was never going to happen, but it did happen, and there could never be enough thank you to our “awesome” community who always come together to help our neighbor in need.
A very special thank you to a wonderful, awesome team working hard to put in place all the supplies which our little “cuties” would need to start a new school year. Long before the event happens, before the clients and their children come in for their supplies, there were several ladies who worked very hard to put things in place to make this happen.
A very special thank you to Audrey Moon, Jean Zubalik and Trudy Lentini who organized a very wonderful “worker bee” team, consisting of: Beth Tracey, Mark Tracey, Ruth Rogan, Ronnie Lumm, Alice Robb, Linda Mizejewski, Marilyn Bornais, Jan Linder, Joyce Scobe, Beth Vultaggio, and Nancy Vancil.
Because of all the kind donations we received and everyone’s hard work, we were able to help 150 children start their year off with big smiles on their faces all because of all of you.
Many blessings to you and thank you everyone. I truly wish we could have taken pictures of the children as they picked out their backpacks and supplies so you could see the smiles on their faces, it truly is something one cannot forget!
Have a terrific fall knowing you helped so many wonderful children! Thank you, again “awesome” team, for all your hard work. Karyn Milligan
Bond support
Dear Editor,
I am writing to give my support for the school district bond.
My wife and I have been residents of Brandon township since 2015, and actually lived here till I was 8 years old. We are not parents as of yet, but we have many friends are, and I definitely want the children of our district to have as good of an education as we can give them.
From what I understand we should be able to improve our facilities and provide better educational resources for our schools, all without a millage increase. If we have the opportunity to help our community in such an impactful way and do so without raising taxes, I cannot help but put my support behind it.
Ryan Kowalski
Dear Editor,
Please cast your ballot for the Brandon School Bond Extension come this November.
I hope you vote yes, but your vote is your vote.
This is a zero percent increase to the existing levied millage.
Our children are our future and security is one of the top priorities from this bond for the scheduled facility upgrades.
This is 2 part milleage which allows for the use of the monies to be spent over a longer period of time (up to 8 years) in lieu of the typical 3-4 years.
Most of the schools (if not all) are in need of technology infrastructure upgrades. There are several athletic improvements that are required to be made in order to serve and protect our athletes.
All the above are facts and can be fact checked on the school website.
I proudly support this millage and look forward to the community approving it and watching the improvements take place.
Todd Bell, retired Brandon Township ZBA chairperson

Dear Editor,
We need to pass civil rights legislation to protect the 38 million Americans who have survived Covid 19. Most of these Americans have natural immunity which is superior to the protection of a vaccine which is showing only short term immunity.
The requirement that Americans have to have a vaccine passport is the equivalent to having a mark on their body to satisfy a dictators control over the people.
Although these Americans have survived Covid and have immunity, they are being threatened to lose their jobs, by their employers, if they don’t get the vaccine. They may be deprived of educational opportunities as well as being denied their free movement through public and private transportation.
Civil Rights legislation is necessary because it protects Americans against discrimination by both public and private intuitions. We must preserve our freedom! Walt Dilber

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