Public Notice: Atlas Township

Attention Atlas Township Residents: At the November 19, 2018 meeting of the Atlas Township Board, the Board did adopt the Atlas Township Zoning Ordinance Amendments regarding Solar Farm Regulations to regulate solar energy systems. Copies of the entire ordinance may be viewed at the Township of Atlas Hall, 7386 S. Gale Road, Goodrich, Michigan, during regular business hours. The following is a summary of the ordinance. This ordinance shall become effective seven (7) days after publication.
The Township Board of the Township of Atlas Ordains:
Section 300.201 Definitions
Sections 2.01, 2.01.a, 2.08.a, 2.38.a, 2.50.a, 2.50.b, 2.50.c
Added definitions and renumbered the subsections to include definitions for: Abandoned Solar Energy System, Accessory Structure, Building Integrated Photovoltaic System, Photovoltaic Device, Solar Array, Solar Energy System Large, and Solar Energy System Small.
Section 300.338 Large Solar Energy Systems
Added new subsection describing regulations for site design of large solar energy systems regarding: A. Minimum Lot Size, B. Height Restrictions, C. Setbacks, Maximum Lot Coverage, E. Safety/Access, F. Noise, G. Glare, H. Landscaping, I. Electrical Interconnections, J. Energy storage buildings and equipment, K. Parking space requirements, L. Professional Engineer required to certify construction and installation standards, M. Electrical components codes and permit requirements, N. development and maintenance of surface area beneath any solar panels, O. Additional Special Use Criteria such as project description and rationale, job creation, visual impacts, environmental analysis, waste, lighting, transportation plan, prime farmland, public safety, sound limitations, telecommunications interference, abandonment and decommissioning, continuing security and escrow, transfer of ownership/operation, and township review.
Section 300.339 Small Solar Energy Systems
Added new subsection describing regulations for site design of small solar energy systems regarding: A. Permitted such as mounting, types of districts allowed, signage, installation; B. explains roof-mounted requirements; C. explains wall-mounted requirements; D, explains ground-mounted requirements.
Section 300.340 Building Integrated Solar Devices
Added new subsection stating that the purpose and intent of this regulation is to allow by right new integrated technologies to be deployed on buildings that do not impact the aesthetic appearance of the building or structure and not be objectionable to the average resident looking at the structure. No zoning approval is required for building integrated solar devices.
Section 300.402.N Special Use RA District
Added new subsection that requires approval for large solar energy system installations in Residential Agricultural Districts.
Section 300.502.C Special Use RSA District
Added new subsection that requires approval for large solar energy system installations in Residential Suburban Agricultural Districts.
Section 300.601.A.2 Special Use RUD District
Added new subsection that requires approval for large solar energy system installations in Residential Urban Districts.
Section 300.1302.B.6 Site Plan Review Procedures
Added new subsection that requires site plan review for both large and small solar energy system installations.
Section 300.1302.C.4 Site Plan Review Procedures
Revised section to clarify that small solar energy systems are not exempt from site plan review requirements.
Section 300.1302.F Administrative Plan Review
Added new subsection to permit the Township Building Official to review site plan review applications for small solar energy systems.
Publish in The Citizen 11-24-18

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