A taste of college life in the summer

Are you currently enrolled in the 10th or 11th grade?
Are you willing to explore new concepts, alternative ideas, other people’s values and think outside the box?
Do you have strong talent you’d like to further develop in the arts, sciences or technology areas?
Are you emotionally mature and able to adjust to being away from home?
Can you commit to a seven or 13-day program?
If your answer is yes, don’t miss out on the exciting program available to students right here in Michigan ? the Michigan Summer Institutes.
In its 22nd year, The Institutes are residential programs held at a universities and colleges across the state, providing in-depth courses along with a taste of college life.
Sponsored by the Michigan Department of Education, the Institute does not use GPA or test cutoff scores as eligibility requirements.
If a student has the qualifications mentioned above, and is passionate about attending, he or she may be a perfect candidate.
Michigan’s Summer Institutes are different.
If you’re serious about learning, they will get you moving at the speed of thought ? yours.
Each Institute offers unique learning experiences: contemporary thinking, cutting edge technology, faster-paced learning, top-notch college instructors, Michigan’s best artists, researchers, business and industry experts, state-of-the-art equipment and labs, and fellow students who share your ideas and imagination.
Each morning, you wake up in your college room, go to breakfast, and then to your daily in-depth intensive course.
Activities range from group discussions, research, lab and field experiences, to simulations, arts production and performances.
All are taught by top-notch faculty, the classes are very small, and the interaction is dynamic.
Each afternoon (and some evenings) is devoted to exploring other topics of interest that help you s-t-r-e-t-c-h your skills and interests through hands-on projects, field trips, panel discussions, and more. Late afternoon offers recreational and leisure activities.
In the evening, be prepared to have your ideas challenged.
Peer group discussions, led by a qualified facilitator, provide a forum for you to discuss your own issues or hot social topics.
There might be a chance to attend a concert, play or visit a local park or beach.
Students pay only a part of the total cost, because it is supported with state and federal funds.
Scholarships are available for students who meet eligibility guidelines.
If you enjoy and demonstrate an intense interest and advanced ability in one or more of the featured areas at the Institutes, and are currently in the 10th or 11th grade, you should apply.
The deadline is approaching fast: February 7, 2003. For all the details on how you can apply to attend the dynamic Michigan Summer Institutes, contact Mr. Lewis Wilson, counselor, Oxford High School.