Motorist hits Dumpster filled with poison ivy

Hadley Twp.-A township resident is itching for some answers following an apparent Dumpster-vehicle accident last weekend.
It is unknown if the driver was injured in the mishap.
Larry Atkins, owner of Poison Ivy Control of Michigan, reported to the Lapeer County Sheriff’s Department that during the nighttime hours of Sept. 28, a motorist on southbound Green Corners Road near Brigham Road left the roadway and struck his 4-yard rented Dumpster full of poison ivy.
Atkins said the vehicle, believed to be a white 2012 Toyota Camry pushed the Dumpster about 120 feet into a nearby cornfield. The impact was so great it flipped the Dumpster upside down, spilling the freshly cut poison ivy over the area.
‘At that point the suspects must have contacted a towing company and had the car pulled away,? he said. ‘Not only is there damage to the Dumpster and my property, but coming in contact with the poison ivy can obviously produce a major reaction. While not fatal, the poison ivy can be very nasty to deal with.?
Atkins, who has owned the local poison ivy removal company for about six years, said the Dumpster is used for disposal due to the toxicity of burning the plant. During the spring and summer the Dumpster is filled weekly with the leaves and branches of poison ivy.
‘We have to send the poison ivy to the landfill,? he said. ‘The fumes can be harmful if the smoke gets in the air and it’s inhaled.?
Anyone with information regarding the incident can call the LCSD, 810-245-1321.