Village sale

Goodrich- The Village Commons will be open to the public for participation in the Fourth Annual 84- Mile Long Rummage Sale along M-15.
‘This is the first time the park has been open for (the sale),? said Village Administrator Jakki Sidge.
The area will be available from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. on May 5. Vendors must provide their own table or display, and are responsible for cleaning their site.
‘There will be notices all up and down the corridor,? said Sidge. Additionally, residents who want to have a rummage sale but don’t want to host it in the Commons are welcome to set up shop at their home, benefitting from the shoppers drawn to the area, said Sidge.
Sidge also reminds residents that due to ongoing construction, visitors to the Commons will be required to follow the established detour for access to the area.
‘There is a detour but everybody can get there by following the detour signs,? said Sidge.
Space is limited and is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Details: (810) 636-2570.