‘Bam’it hit me that fast?

Brandon Twp.-Scott Wood was almost home.
At about 4 p.m., Aug. 14, Wood was returning from Detroit where he is employed by AT&T.
‘I kept thinking ‘It’s pretty windy today? and I could see a few branches blowing across the road,? he said. ‘I looked over and could see the tree move, then, bam? it hit me that fast. I could feel the car veer to the right, then everything just stopped.?
Wood, 42, was traveling westbound on Seymour Lake Road near Hadley Road when winds as high as 70 mph dropped a tree on top of his 2005 Mercury Mountaineer. ‘When I opened my eyes I was covered in glass and just got out of the car and stood up, thinking to myself, ‘I want to call my wife,?? he said. ‘She knows what time I get home from work. I looked back at my car and the tree that fell pushed the roof down lower than the steering wheel. All I had was a bruise on my shoulder and glass fragments in my hair.?
The impact of the tree stopped Wood’s vehicle that was traveling about 50 mph in the middle of the road. The tree hit the car so hard that it stalled the engine and impaled a two inch stick through the passenger side door.
‘I did not hear anything or remember the tree hitting the car. It just happened so fast I did not have time to be scared,? he said. ‘Other drivers stopped to help me and were shocked that I just got up and walked away from the car. I was really, really lucky.?
Scott was heading home to his family Inola, 7, Dakota, 1, and wife, Melissa.
‘I was combing glass out of my hair when I got home, but at least I was home,? said Scott.
‘We looked over the car with the tree laying on it and determined a branch had stopped it from going all the way through the car. That’s all? just one branch. The accident really puts into perspective what’s important in life.?