Consider facts: write-in Amman

Dear Editor:
Before my time as the varsity soccer coach I was involved in a struggle here in Atlas Township that most of you are probably unaware of. I will attempt to give you a brief history.
Our ordinances were a shambles, indefensible and at the complete mercy of any greedy developer who threatened to sue. We had a planning commission that issued a virtual rubber stamp to any developer who placed a plan in front of them.
All of which failed to perk initially, but miraculously did so at a later date.
At that time, the minimum lot size in Atlas Township was 1/2 acre with no reserve land for a failed septic field, a recipe for disaster.
In short, we had an appointed planning commission that did not look out for the best interest of our community, only their own agenda.
Shirley Kautman-Jones was on that planning commission. During that time, she had a documented absentee rate of 33 percent and would arrive late to the majority of the rest of the meetings. When in attendance, she would be the vocal mouthpiece and run interference to champion every developer’s cause. I know this because I attended all of those meetings. Even the ones she was late for. Can we look forward to more of the same?
Even her successful business was run without the proper variance for manufacturing, but a variance for growing raw materials. A convenient blind eye by the Township Supervisor Rudi Deschner, who appointed her.
Kautman-Jones? intentions in running for supervisor are no different, just 12 years older. She is backed by large landowners whose sole aim is to overdevelop our rural township.
You cannot let your guard down in November. More importantly, those of you who are unaware of the past, gather the facts before listening to the lies and deceit.
Today we have larger lot size minimums that echo Michigan and county health department minimums; two acre minimum for a house with an engineered septic field.
We have tight, defensible ordinances that look out for all members of Atlas Township.
We have a planning commission that considers not only the rights of the landowner, but also the impact on his neighbor.
Our road improvements speak for themselves. Our police coverage is second to none and the envy of surrounding townships, as are our agreements and co-operation with our surrounding townships to share costs and reduce monies spent.
In short, all the gains, all the advancements made in the last 12 years will be cast aside and squandered if you fail to write-in Paul Amman.
Nigel Barnett
Atlas Twp.