DDA:Sign, sign, in Ortonville, a sign

Ortonville- A new sign at the corner of M-15 and Mill Street welcomes visitors to the village.
The approximately 6-foot-by-10-foot sign made by Creative Designs & Signs of Pontiac cost $11,000, sparkles due to a black crushed glass background, and has a detachable sign to advertise special events, said Downtown Development Authority Executive Director Molly LaLone. The sign was paid for through DDA capital improvement funds.
‘The old sign was falling apart? it was wood and needed to be updated,? said LaLone in explaining why the sign was needed. ‘The merchants wanted something that brought attention and pointed to the downtown area.?
The sign has the words Welcome and Ortonville in gold lettering and historic downtown in white, as well as the words ‘live, shop, enjoy? in a white arrow pointing toward the village with ‘established 1848? below the arrow.
‘The sign is already attracting attention,? LaLone said. ‘I hope it will draw people downtown.?
The sign is the latest aesthetic improvement for the village. Other improvements include updated facades for Glass with Class, The Amber Butterfly, and the Village Pub, all on Mill Street. Brandon Underwriters, Mabelena’s and Art of Life, all located on Mill Street, as well as Trinity Photography and Coats Funeral Home on South Street, all have new signs. The fountain at the corner of Mill and South streets, which hasn’t worked in years, should be removed soon and will find a new home in the yard of the new South Street Consignment Shop. In the fountain’s place will be flowers for now.
A pavilion for Crossman Park is also in the works, LaLone said. She expects a foundation to be poured this fall and the pavilion to be built next year.