Flash! Michigan ready to take job applications

The sales tax on certain services adopted by Michigan could expand the government to the point where thousands of jobs may be created.
The Michigan Chamber of Commerce so suspects. My own suspicions have the same conclusion. Reason? When the state goes about hitting dating, porter, phrenology and courier services they will have to enlarge the state payroll.
There will also be job openings for people seeking out baby shoe bronzers, palm readers, some astrologers and fortune tellers who may have inadvertently neglected to pay the six percent tax.
And sleuths will be needed to find and fine rest room operation servicers, security system, numerology, social introduction and genealogical servicers.
Isn’t this discretionary tax ridiculous?
Aren’t the adopters ridiculous?
They couldn’t live within the state’s income so they come up with a discretionary tax. This is how discretionary it is. They picked on skiers, but left golfers alone. That, dear reader, is good lobbying by stick swingers on green fields.
The selection of 49 taxable services is reported to come directly from Governor Granholm. I relate the final list as coming from a situation I was in a few years ago when a friend brought a question to our ‘business? meeting.
We were assembling weekly at Rob’s Bar. After the kitty was balanced, this member asked us to help him decide on a deal he’d been offered. A company offered to pay him $800,000 for something he had and they wanted.
After much discussion, and little reasoning, we friends concluded he should hold out for a million.
Asked about the original deal six months later, our friend said there was no longer an offer, that a new solution had been found by the former suitor.
Our friend probably felt like the small business owners of Michigan after the legislature passed and the governor signed, the ‘discretionary? sales tax increase.
I’ve been had!
Was her’s a bar room committee’s reasoning?
As the Detroit News stated: ‘Enforcement promises to be a major headache for the state and the bookkeeping a huge challenge for the small businesses.?
The News also said the state budget deal is one of the most unfair and foolishly crafted pieces of legislation ever to come out of Lansing.
However, I won’t be taxed for a haircut, which is good news, and Blue Cross will pay for my cut wrists and psychological needs.
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How can business executives read body language on a conference call?
The instructions on my pillow read, ‘Wash two pillows at once to maintain balance.? I did and still fell over.
The original point and click interface was the Smith and Wesson.
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The 2008 Old Farmer’s Almanac offers advice to guys and gals:
Do not write love letters in red ink. It’s unlucky.
Never court on a Friday, or you’ll never meet again.
Throw an apple peel over your left shoulder. It will fall in the shape of the initial of your lover’s name.
Do not wear mourning clothes when courting, you’ll be doomed never to marry.
Meet in advance of a new Moon to be ‘noosed? together in matrimony.
Do not meet a loved one on a Sunday: Sunday’s wooing draws to ruin.
Avoid saying good-bye three times at the end of a date. It’s unlucky.
Grasp three cloves in your hand and think about a loved one. Then burn the cloves.
Burn these Almanac offerings, too.

The sales tax on certain services adopted by Michigan could expand the government to the point where thousands of jobs may be created.
The Michigan Chamber of Commerce so suspects. My own suspicions have the same conclusion. Reason? When the state goes about hitting dating, porter, phrenology and courier services they will have to enlarge the state payroll.
There will also be job openings for people seeking out baby shoe bronzers, palm readers, some astrologers and fortune tellers who may have inadvertently neglected to pay the six percent tax.
And sleuths will be needed to find and fine rest room operation servicers, security system, numerology, social introduction and genealogical servicers.
Isn’t this discretionary tax ridiculous?
Aren’t the adopters ridiculous?
They couldn’t live within the state’s income so they come up with a discretionary tax. This is how discretionary it is. They picked on skiers, but left golfers alone. That, dear reader, is good lobbying by stick swingers on green fields.
The selection of 49 taxable services is reported to come directly from Governor Granholm. I relate the final list as coming from a situation I was in a few years ago when a friend brought a question to our ‘business? meeting.
We were assembling weekly at Rob’s Bar. After the kitty was balanced, this member asked us to help him decide on a deal he’d been offered. A company offered to pay him $800,000 for something he had and they wanted.
After much discussion, and little reasoning, we friends concluded he should hold out for a million.
Asked about the original deal six months later, our friend said there was no longer an offer, that a new solution had been found by the former suitor.
Our friend probably felt like the small business owners of Michigan after the legislature passed and the governor signed, the ‘discretionary? sales tax increase.
I’ve been had!
Was her’s a bar room committee’s reasoning?
As the Detroit News stated: ‘Enforcement promises to be a major headache for the state and the bookkeeping a huge challenge for the small businesses.?
The News also said the state budget deal is one of the most unfair and foolishly crafted pieces of legislation ever to come out of Lansing.
However, I won’t be taxed for a haircut, which is good news, and Blue Cross will pay for my cut wrists and psychological needs.
– – – 0 – – –
How can business executives read body language on a conference call?
The instructions on my pillow read, ‘Wash two pillows at once to maintain balance.? I did and still fell over.
The original point and click interface was the Smith and Wesson.
– – – 0 – – –
The 2008 Old Farmer’s Almanac offers advice to guys and gals:
Do not write love letters in red ink. It’s unlucky.
Never court on a Friday, or you’ll never meet again.
Throw an apple peel over your left shoulder. It will fall in the shape of the initial of your lover’s name.
Do not wear mourning clothes when courting, you’ll be doomed never to marry.
Meet in advance of a new Moon to be ‘noosed? together in matrimony.
Do not meet a loved one on a Sunday: Sunday’s wooing draws to ruin.
Avoid saying good-bye three times at the end of a date. It’s unlucky.
Grasp three cloves in your hand and think about a loved one. Then burn the cloves.
Burn these Almanac offerings, too.