GHS plans safety fair

SADD will conduct a safety fair at Goodrich High School Thursday, March 6. The theme of the program is keeping students safe and making smart choices while on spring break.
The program will consist of a keynote speaker, Blaise Winters of the Green Bay Packers. Other topics will include smoking, reality in the emergency room, left behind (a mother’s story after the death of her daughter), domestic violence, club drugs, drunk driving, piercing problems, tattooing, travel-safe tips and budgeting.
The day will include a free lunch, fun in the gym such as miniature golf, fitness challenges and prize drawings for prizes such as a $100 gift certificate to Best Buy and Target. Prizes have been donated by the Goodrich community business owners and through a grant from the Prevention Network applied for by school nurse Dee Kumpar.
A parents night presentation is scheduled from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 5, featuring keynote speaker Blaise Winters. Organizers are also looking for adult volunteers on the day of the safety fair.
To reserve a spot at parents night or to volunteer for the safety fair, call Kumpar at (818) 591-2251.