Goodrich board defends photo fund-raisers

A note on every portrait package sent home with Goodrich students tells parents that some of the money comes back to the schools.
‘We’ve been using it as a fund-raiser for more than a decade,? said superintendent Raymond Green at Monday’s Goodrich Board of Education meeting.
The money collected funds items such as student activities, recognition programs, camp scholarships, and gloves and hats distributed on the playground.
‘It’s 99 percent student related,? said Oaktree Elementary Principal Kim Hart.
Hart estimates each school gets a maximum of $1,100.
‘Without it we likely wouldn’t do it,? she said. ‘It’s a lot of extra work.?
‘I’m kind of surprised people wouldn’t think (schools) were making money, given the time they put into it,? said board trustee Ken Rappuhn.