Goodrich School Board member steps-down after five years

Goodrich-Following the conclusion of the June 23 school board meeting Vice President Jeff Gardner resigned.
‘It’s been a good run over the past five years,? said Gardner, following the decision. ‘My work requires me to travel more than before my company has expanded offices in other cities and I’m going to be on the road more. It’s now time for someone else to step up and take over my position on the board.?
Gardner was first elected in 2009.
‘AD Director Al Martus encouraged me to run at a basketball game in February,? laughed Gardner. ‘I filled the paperwork out and the next thing I knew I was elected to the board. The past five years have been some really tough times in public education. Finances are still and will be the number one issue boards statewide are going to be battling. The Goodrich Board did an amazing job of putting the kids first. The decisions of this board impacts my friends and neighbors’it’s a very difficult job that I’m happy to say I can still look at myself in the mirror after I voted.?
District superintendent Scott Bogner will be missed.
‘I think the only time I disagreed with Bogner was when he announced his retirement,? added Gardner. ‘I was one of the board members that visited Avondale schools to see the new superintendent Michelle Imbrunone and I’m confident she can continue in the direction Scott was taking the district.?
The school district is seeking interested candidates to fill Gardner’s seat until the November election. The deadline for applying is 3 p.m., July 10. Interested parties must submit a letter of interest and resume, to the superintendent’s office, and be interviewed by the board at a special meeting 6:30 p.m., July 14. Details: 810-591-2251.