Independence Township Library

7:30 p.m.
DATE: September 2, 2003
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Opening Statements and Correspondence
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Public Forum – Individuals in the audience have the opportunity to address the Township Board on an issue that is not on the agenda limiting their comments to not more than three minutes.
7. Consent Agenda
a. Minutes
b. Approval of Purchase Orders
c. Approval of Accounts Payable Check Run
d. Second Reading and Adoption of an Amendment to Alcohol Beverage Ordinance
Unfinished Business
1. Approval to Enter Into Contract for Water System Improvements.
2. Untable – Discussion on McCord Property.
New Business
1. Resolution Setting Public Hearing Regarding SAD -Andersonville Road and Lake Lane
2. Bid Award – Sunny Beach #2 Drainage Improvements
3. Purchase of R.F.I.D. System – Library
Items removed from Consent Agenda for action or discussion will be moved to the last item under Unfinished Business.
Only those matters that are listed on the agenda are to be considered for action.
A majority vote of the Board members may add or delete an agenda item.