Independendce Township

7:30 p.m.
DATE: August 16, 2005
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Opening Statements and Correspondence
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Public Forum ? Individuals in the audience have the opportunity to address the Township Board on an issue that is not on the agenda, limiting their comments to not more than three minutes.
7. Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes of August 2, 2005 meeting
b. Approval of Purchase Orders
c. Approval of Accounts Payable Check Run
Unfinished Business
New Business
1. First Reading of a rezoning request from R-1R to R-1A, Holcomb Road at Allen, South of I-75, 13 acres, 08-20-101-001
2. First Reading of a rezoning request from C-3 and R-1A to PRO/O, (Part of Lot 10) Lot 10, Moon Valley Subdivision, 6527 Maple Road, .5 acres, 08-32-277-005 and 006
3. Capital Improvement Plan
4. Permission to hire Deputy Supervisor
Items removed from Consent Agenda for action or discussion will be moved to the last item under Unfinished Business.
Only those matters that are listed on the agenda are to be considered for action. A majority vote of the Board members may add or delete an agenda item.