Library staff very professional

Dear Editor:
(In response to ‘Ghosts of Brandon Township Library,? The Citizen, Jan. 17, page 6): The public library is an important and valued institution in the United States. Its function ? to provide information that allows citizens to form their own opinions. Freedom of speech is nearly worthless without access to information. An informed opinion is what makes public discourse an avenue for lasting, positive change in our society. Providing information can come in the form of books, electronic media, magazines and newspapers, the Internet, and programs, such as ghost hunting. Providing access to information is not condoning or promoting the content or interpretation of that information. It is simply an open door through which we can choose to step in, look around, and decide for ourselves what we believe. The tax dollars we spend on the Brandon Library grant everyone in our community access to the information we need, whether it be for research, educational purposes, leisure, career advancement, self-sufficiency or knowledge of our government and its actions.
As Benjamin Franklin, the founder of the American public library, said, ‘For having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged, by better information or fuller consideration, to change opinions, even on important subjects, which I once thought right but found to be otherwise.?
I have found the staff at Brandon Library to be nothing but professional and always willing to help me locate the information I need. Thank you to all the Brandon librarians for all you’ve done for me and my family over the years.
Jennifer Porter
Brandon Township