Motivational speaker at middle school

Brandon Twp.- Michael Angelo Caruso, author and motivational speaker, will promote pro-active communication? the art of solving problems before they happen? during a free presentation 7-8:30 p.m., May 15, at the Brandon Middle School cafeteria, 609 S. Ortonville Road. The event is sponsored by the Ortonville Rotary Club.
‘One of the messages I like to convey to people is how we communicate with others is judged all the time,? says Caruso. ‘We tend to think we don’t need to value each communication from each other and we certainly should.?
Caruso, 49, has given motivational speeches and seminars in 49 of 50 states, and various countries around the world over the past nine years, primarily to businesses, but says the message he will deliver here next month will land well with everyone.
‘Everyone has problems and difficult people in their lives,? he says. ‘They didn’t start out difficult. If you don’t manage relationships, they become difficult and conflicts arise.?
He uses as an example a customer service employee who doesn’t manage client relationships could see a customer become disenchanted and then lose business because of a lack of communication.
One communication strategy Caruso recommends is to smile when walking into a room.
‘You can actually program others to think about you differently,? he said. ‘If you walk in smiling, you’re more likely to draw people to you. If a problem is present, you should still smile. Your smile says, ‘We can work it out, and things will be OK.??
Another strategy Caruso recommends is to walk faster than everyone else, sending a signal about respecting one’s own time and inspiring others to respect your time, too.
Sandy Blackburn, president of the Ortonville Rotary Club, has heard Caruso speak twice.
‘I think people can relate to his ideas,? she said. ‘I’ve heard a lot of different speakers and he has your attention the whole time he is talking. He interacts with the audience.?
Caruso promises guests it will be the best program they’ve ever attended.
‘When you become a better communicator at work, you become a better communicator at home,? he said. ‘Professional development is also personal development.?
For more information on Caruso, visit