New Office Manager

Ortonville – For the past few weeks, visitors to the offices of The Citizen have been greeted by a new face.
Allison Gould, 23, is the new office manager for The Citizen.
Gould is a native of both Goodrich and Ortonville, she says, having moved from Goodrich to Brandon Township in the second grade. She’s frequently recognized in the area.
‘I see a lot of people I know around town, and they say, ‘Hey, you’re working for The Citizen,?? said Gould.
A self-described ‘people person?, Gould’s is the first voice many callers hear. Her friendly smile is evidence she enjoys handling classified and semi-display ads or legal notices for customers.
Gould and her 21-month-old son Sammy’aka ‘Stinky?’reside in Ortonville.