New trustee elected to Goodrich board

Goodrich – School district residents voted in a millage renewal and a new board trustee last week.
The proposal to increase the schools? non-homestead operating millage by 3 mills over a period of four years was approved 866-725.
Of candidates seeking two available four-year seats on the board, the election went to incumbent Michael Tripp, with 892 votes; and newcomer Jeff Engleman, with 733 votes. The pair won over challenger Carol Powers, who received 694 votes; and incumbent Shane Tiedeman, with 370 votes.
This year’s school election took place in 10 precincts, spread over three counties, due to an election consolidation law that went into effect Jan. 1.
Of 5,788 registered voters in the district, 1,636 came out to cast ballots.
With 29-percent voter turnout, the district fared better than many other Genesee County school districts, said Rob Coffman, Genesee County Director of Elections.