Old News Boys success, Goodrich

Dear Editor:
On behalf of the Old News Boys, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to another successful paper drive.
Without the Village Of Goodrich’s help, the volunteers would not have been able to stay at the slippery intersection of Hegel and M-15. Thank you so much.
John’s Steakhouse donated lunch to all of us and B/P convenience store provided hot coffee. Both gave us a warm place to take a break, thank you.
The most important people to thank are the volunteers who make it possible for so many children in Genesee County to wake up Christmas morning knowing Santa did not forget them. This great crew consisted of: Mark, Mel and Sean Trowbridge, Jackie Brothers, Joe King, Larry Shuster, Julie Ryden, Dave Hoffman, and Larry Flood. A special thank you to the people who took the time to stop and dig even deeper yet into their pockets. The Old News Boys have been a charter organization since 1924 and are still going strong due to people like you.
Lynn Hoffman