School board president takes aim at county commissioner seat

After more than 15 years on the Brandon School Board, Beth Nuccio has officially announced her candidacy for District 1 Oakland County Commissioner.
Nuccio, will run as a Republican in the Aug. 3 primary election. The district includes about 50,000 residents, covering Addison, Brandon, Groveland, and Oxford townships in addition to villages of Oxford, Leonard, and Ortonville. It also encompasses two voting precincts in Independence Township.
Current County Commissioner Brad Jacobsen (R-Oxford), won’t be seeking re-election because he’s running for the 46th District seat in the Michigan State House of Representatives, a seat occupied by Jim Marleau (R-Lake Orion).
In addition to Nuccio, the race for the GOP ticket in the primary now includes Oxford Village Councilman Tony Albensi, Oxford Township Trustee Joe Bunting and Addison resident Steve Porter.
‘My proven common sense leadership is rooted in my ability to listen, learn, and be decisive,? Nuccio said. ‘I will work hard for the taxpayers in Northern Oakland County and fight to ensure our tax dollars are spent wisely.?
Nuccio is currently employed as the Director of Career Services by Baker College of Auburn Hills and has worked at Baker College since 1981. She earned a master of arts in management from Central Michigan University and a bachelor of science in business administration from Ferris State University.
‘When I started in the school district as trustee, our budget was $12 million. Today it’s $30 million. The county budget is $800 million’in these tough economic times that’s an immense amount of money that requires scrutiny of every dime,? she said. ‘My goal will be to assure our tax dollars go toward services we use right in the northern sections of the county.?
Nuccio sees the need for resource conservation and the need to fight for fisconservation and the need to fight for fiscal accountability and responsibility as motivations to run for office. Like other areas in northern Oakland County, the possibility of a landfill exists.
‘Waste management is my top priority’we live in a rural area that has experienced growth. Several in Lansing right now are talking about regional transportation’there’s a greater benefit to the southern regions of the county than up here in the north.?
Nuccio has served on the Leadership Oakland XVII, Oakland County Employment and Diversity Council, Executive Board, Auburn Hills Chamber of Commerce Executive Board, and Personnel Appeals Board for Oakland County Automation Alley Workforce Development Committee, was past president of the Brandon Co-Op Preschool and was given the North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy Headwater Hero Award in June 2007.
To learn more about Nuccio, check out