Schools set June 9 bond election

Clarkston Community Schools officials approved a “call” for a regular school election for June 9, and voters can expect to see an $83 million proposal on the ballot among other items.
The approval came at the Feb. 10 Board of Education meeting, but the board won’t set wording of the ballot items until March 10.
Anita Banach, director of communications and marketing, said the bond proposal was preliminarily approved by the state treasurer’s office Feb. 4.
For the past two years, board members have been planning for ways to combat overcrowding in their schools, particularly at the high school, and consolidate auxiliary programs and services within the district.
This includes a new grade configuration, expected to be implemented in 2005-06, which will house all district sixth and seventh graders on the Sashabaw Middle School site; all district eighth and ninth graders on the Clarkston Middle School site; and 10th through 12th graders at Clarkston High School.
To accomplish this, voters can expect the proposal to include several additions, renovations and repairs to various district buildings to accommodate the students.
Also on the June 9 ballot, there will be two four-year term seats open for the board of education, currently filled by Treasurer Janet Thomas and President Kurt Shanks.
The board has not yet made a decision on whether or not to place the non-homestead millage on the June ballot. At the last meeting, Bruce Beamer, director of financing and business, revealed two millages set at 3.0 and 1.5 mills expired Dec. 31. He indicated the district would lose approximately $1.1 million dollars if these non-homestead taxes are not renewed in June.
The board will finalize ballot items and wording at the March 10 Board of Education meeting at the Administration Building on Clarkston Road at 7 p.m.