Schools:’It’s not your money?

Dear Editor:
(In response to: ‘District under budget with school bond projects moving forward,? The Citizen, Nov. 15, page 1)
Attention Brandon School Board:
It’s not your money.
I was surprised, but not shocked by Jamie Cowan’s comment that even though the elementary school budget came in under budget by $28 million, the school board is still planning on spending the money for other improvements, like tennis courts, lights, bleachers, new carpet, etc. Let me remind them: It’s not your money!!! It’s the taxpayers? and it should be returned back to them. Especially in these tough economic times, with high unemployment, foreclosures, plant closings, etc.
In addition, school enrollment is down, the tax base is shrinking, with more people moving out of the area. The last thing we need is to spend money we either don’t have or money we could save. Spending this money is not only irresponsible, it is immoral.
Some spending may clearly be needed. For example, we can’t have a leaky roof in one of our schools, and preventative maintenance if it’s done in a prudent manner should also be investigated. But to flagrantly spend money just because you have access to it is unacceptable. This is exactly what has gotten our economy into the mess it currently is in ? spending money we don’t have, and being fiscally irresponsible. What kind of example are we setting for our children?
I’m sure other folks would like to do more things with their own money (like paying their taxes, mortgage, heating bills), but they can’t afford it, so why should the school board be exempt from this as well. In closing, if you feel the same way I do, call the school board and your representatives in Groveland and Brandon Township and tell them not to spend money we don’t have.
Harry Branca, Jr.
Groveland Township