Stepping fourth

Goodrich- A district elementary student has ‘stepped fourth? to help needy children this December.
Rayne Laurin, a 10-year-old Oaktree Elementary fourth grade student recently utilized an international program idea to assist with some local needs this winter.
Through a variety of means, the Samaritan’s Purse, a nondenominational Christian organization offers spiritual and physical assistance to hurting people around the world. One of the groups recognized by Laurin was to fill shoeboxes with a variety of items geared toward children. Included are a toy, toothbrush, toothpaste, socks, win-ter gloves and hats, shampoo and school supplies.
Laurin recognized the need to help can also be closer to home.
‘I am doing this because there are kids my age that are homeless and I want to make a difference by giving all of this stuff to the homeless shelter,? she wrote to Wayne Wilson, her fourth grade teacher. ‘I have done this with Samaritan’s Purse by sending the shoe boxes to different countries and I realize that there are kids in Flint that need stuff, too. Maybe we can challenge all fourth grade classes to do the same.?
The idea caught on and family members and a few local businesses began helping, including Goodrich Dollar General, which donated 100 tote bags, Davison dentist Dr. David Slezak, who chipped in toothbrushes and tooth paste, and a local Comfort Inn that supplied shampoo and conditioner.
Classmates at Oaktree accepted the challenge as well.
The week before Thanksgiving, more than 200 bags were full with a variety of items for needy children this winter. On Tuesday morning a section of Wilson’s classroom at Oaktree was stacked with a variety mittens, hats a variety of small toys.
‘The project kind of snowballed over the last few weeks,? said Wilson. ‘Some of these students skip recess and work on filling the bags. It’s remarkable.?
On Dec. 2, Sheri Adams, Rayne’s grandmother, along with April Laurin, her mother, will deliver the bags to Carriage Town Mission in Flint.
‘It is quite impressive when kids step up and this should encourage adults to do the same,? said April. ‘We would like the community to know that we can all make a difference’even kids.?