Twp. dust control, grading delayed

Groveland Twp.- A late, wet spring has delayed dust control and grading on township roads.
Township Supervisor Bob DePalma said some of the more than 45 miles of the townships dirt roads are still rough and dusty.
‘There will be five applications of chloride,? he said. ‘The county rotates five area communities including Groveland and this year we are the last to be serviced. However, next year we’ll be first to have our roads graded.?
DePalma said the Road Commission for Oakland County chlorides primary roads which include Oakhill, Barron, Wildwood and a portion of Groveland Road.
The township board of trustees also changed chloride companies.
This year, the township has contracted with Road Maintenance Corporation, based in Leonard, at a cost of $52,000.
‘The change will save taxpayers 17 percent over the price hike when the RCOC handled the job,? said DePalma.