Local GM dealership can only wait

Brandon Twp.- Despite a looming General Motors bankruptcy, sluggish car sales and possible reductions in the number of dealers nationwide’local GM dealer Larry Simms remains optimistic about the future of his business.
‘We are going through with a positive attitude, just like we are going to be here forever,? said Simms. ‘Our goal here at Simms is to take care of the customer’and that is what we will do.?
According to a General Motors restructuring plan submitted to the government last February, the number of dealers nationwide will be reduced by 42 percent by the end of 2010. By the end of next year, GM’s dealer base will be reduced from 6,246 (in 2008) to 3,605,500 more than originally proposed in the automaker’s Feb. 17 plan, according to the press release.
‘The people that we have talked to at General Motors are uncertain too? all the dealers hear is what we hear on the news.?
Simms Chevrolet expanded in 2005 by adding a new front section, a refurbished showroom, service greeting area, quick-lube and children’s play area. The two-story addition grew the current facility to about 55,000 square feet. Upgrades to offices and an addition to the employee lunch area were also part of the project. Larry Simms purchased the dealership in 1992 from Owen Chevrolet, which opened the M-15 location in 1979.
‘In the event General Motors halts selling us new cars, we may turn this business into an independent used car operation. Either way the service department will remain open.?
‘There will also be no other brand here,? he said. ‘Ford, Chrysler or imports are not looking for any more dealers right now either.
‘General Motors looks at the total number of vehicles we sell, in addition to the penetration of vehicles sold from our dealership in the area. A key factor is if other dealers are pumping cars in your area. They also look at whether a dealership is profitable and making money as a whole. Our shining star, is the aesthetics of our building? it’s new and very modern.?
Simms noted that right now there are five Chevrolet stores within a 20 miles radius of his township location.