2022-23 Audit: Ortonville Village fund balance growing

By Shelby Stewart-Soldan
Staff Writer
Ortonville — Tyler Baker, a senior manager with Maner Costerian, presented the annual financial statements and auditor’s report of the fiscal year ending June 20, 2023 at the regular meeting on Sept. 25. The board voted unanimously to approved the audit.
According to the audit, the revenues for the fiscal year 2022-2023 were $787,743 with expenditures of $696,934, bringing the fund balance up $90,809 for a total of $344,569.
“Our fund balance grew during 2022-2023, by about $90,000, which is encouraging as we aim to tackle bigger projects in the coming years,” said village manager Ryan Madis. “There were no major findings about our accounting practices or other procedures, similar to past years. As a small office we must always be cognizant of some of the potential trouble spots, and we’ll continue to involve the Village Council in the process to provide as much transparency as possible.”
Baker told the board they were in good financial standing, and the village received an unmodified opinion on the audit, which is the highest possible opinion that can be given.
He also brought up potential issues for smaller offices due to less staff, such as transparency and separation of responsibilities, but said that council involvement helps to mitigate some of those potential issues.

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