Goodrich Senior earns DAR Good Citizen award

By David Fleet
Goodrich — On Jan. 24, the Genesee Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution recognized the annual winners of the Good Citizen awards at the Flushing United Methodist Church, 413 East Main St., Flushing.
This year Goodrich Senior Natalie Paige Steward, 18, was selected the top essay among 17 Genesee area districts who exhibit the qualities of good citizenship in their homes, schools and communities.
Requirements for the students selected as the school’s DAR Good Citizen include dependability, service, leadership and patriotism. In addition, an essay is required for the award.
The focus of this year’s essay was, “Our American Heritage and Our Responsibility for Preserving it.”
The essays answered the question in two hours, within 550 words: “Service is an essential attribute of a good citizen. Discuss how service can foster a strong sense of community and strengthen our American Identity?”
Checkout Steward’s essay online
Steward has been a member of the National Honor Society since her sophomore year and on the Goodrich Varsity Girls Cross Country team for four years which included a MHSAA D2 State Championship in November. She is also a member of the Martian Marching Band and track team.
Since her freshman year, Steward has attended the US Army Junior Reserve Officers Training Corp (JROTC) at the Genesee Career Institute, 5081 Torrey Road, Flint.
“I was not sure what to do after high school, so as a freshman I joined the JROTC and fell in love with the program,” said Steward. “Now I currently serve as a battalion commander and color guard. I love the goals and development as a leader. I also help others develop as a leader each day.”
Each school day begins at 7 a.m. at the GCI, before her high school classes at 9 a.m. During her four years in JROTC she is a marksman team captain and also remains the top female cadet in physical fitness for Michigan for two consecutive years.
After high school Steward will attend the Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va. to study mechanical engineering. The cadets will participate in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps of the United States Armed Forces programs. After graduation cadets could opt for civilian endeavors or an officer’s commission in one of the six U.S military branches.
Natalie is the daughter of Tracy and Todd Steward of Grand Blanc.
Carol Powers is a member of the Genesee chapter DAR.
“The Genesee Chapter DAR is pleased to sponsor this yearly contest which showcases the many hard working talented seniors in Genesee County High Schools,” said Powers, an Atlas Township resident.


Service is a word meaning providing for others before oneself. It is a powerful and honorable action that provides support and unity to the public. Service is an instilled value as an American citizen, being able to support others when needed, cultivating a strong community and an even stronger nation that we all live in and stand to defend since it was established. Continuously exhibiting service to others will help maintain deserved equal treatment and strengthen our American Identity.

One of the strongest ways service is able to foster a strong sense of community and strengthen our Identity as Americans is through the use of social media. A majority of our nation utilizes social media for an abundance of things. We can provide service to others by raising awareness about any issues, events, or opportunities to donate. Social media will reach many people and influence them to take action. When raising awareness about issues, communities put them into focus to try to resolve or take preventative measures. If events are publicly made as an opportunity to serve, many will feel a sense of duty to. This sense of duty comes from carrying sympathy for others by understanding a person’s situation, and knowing that if they were in their shoes they would desire the same immediate support from others. If each and every individual shared this belief and utilized the tool of social media to spread awareness and provide the constant opportunity to serve, our nation would become increasingly unified.

Another way that service strengthens our nation is through the participation of blood drives. It may not seem like an obligation to participate in, but the impact it has is profound. By donating blood, it is servicing the welfare of others by giving back what you are fortunate enough to have. This act of service shows universal health and hope and the interconnectedness of humanity. We all need blood to survive, it is a shared trait. We also live in a shared nation and community. This type of service is how individuals can give back without much effort or exertion for the benefit of others maintaining optimal health. As an American, we should want to participate in this option to serve. Our nation is not as strong as it is without the people comprising it.

From the first Americans to settle on our country’s soil, they have utilized and leaned on the support of everyone and their unique abilities. We did not become a nation without the hard work and efforts people gave. A strong nation comes from strong citizens who continuously serve in areas that we lack or need more support of. To further develop as a society and maintain unity, service is essential. Putting others before yourself, provides feelings of honor and sentiment, and helps to further understand the struggles others go through. When we are able to understand, we are willing to help. The more people feel this emotional connectivity and drive to serve, will eventually make service seem less of an option and more of a desire, exemplifying our American Identity, heritage, and responsibility as a U.S. citizen.

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