MIAAA recognizes Goodrich AD Rob McRae

By David Fleet
Traverse City — On March 15, Rob McRae, Goodrich athletic director was recognized at the Michigan Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association annual conference in Traverse City for five years of service to the district.
“I’m excited to recognize Rob McRae for receiving an award honoring his five years of service as our Athletic Director,” said Michael Baszler, district superintendent. “Rob is an incredible asset to our team—his dedication goes far beyond athletics. He’s always willing to step in wherever needed, making a difference in the lives of our students, not just in sports but throughout their school experience. His commitment, leadership, and support for our kids are second to none. Goodrich is fortunate to have Rob on our Martian team!”
McRae graduated from Grand Blanc High School in 2003 and in 2008 earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from Ashland University, Ashland, Ohio.
Prior to arriving at Goodrich in 2000, McRae was the Richfield Public Schools Academy Athletic Director. During his career, McRae served as recreational programmer for Grand Blanc Parks and Recreation; Grand Blanc High School Varsity Basketball Coach from June 2013-May 2017; Grand Blanc Boys JV coach from 2009-2012 and Swartz Creek Junior Varsity Coach in 2013. From 2018-2019 he was the Boys JV Basketball Coach at Goodrich High School.
The MIAAA is the professional organization for high school and middle school athletic administrators in Michigan. The association represents more than 700 athletic directors.

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