Be sure to stop at Park-Hovey

The intersection of Park and Hovey streets is now a four-way stop thanks to the Oxford Village Council.
Council Nov. 9 approved a traffic control order from Police Chief Mike Neymanowski to place two stop signs at the village intersection for east and westbound traffic on Park St.
The new signs were erected on Thursday by the DPW, making the intersection a four-way stop.
Previously, it had been a two-way stop for north and southbound traffic on Hovey St. Drivers on Park St. could pass through without stopping or yielding.
Increases in traffic volume and speed, coupled with the residential streets being used as cut-throughs to avoid downtown traffic, convinced Neymanowski additional stop signs were warranted on Park St.
‘I think it’s a great idea,? said Councilman Steve Allen. ‘As far as I’m concerned you can’t have too many stop signs.?
‘While they may not stop everybody, they will slow 98 percent of the people down. The propensity for speeding will be reduced,? Allen added.
The intersection of Moyer and Hovey streets is another area council may want to look at in the near future, according to Allen.
Currently, the intersection is a two-way stop for east and westbound traffic on Moyer St. North and southbound traffic on Hovey St. can pass through without stopping or yielding.
Councilman Dave Bailey used the Park-Hovey discussion as an opportunity to issue a ‘mini call to the public.?
‘If anybody knows of a crossing or any intersection in the village that needs some kind of different traffic control from what its got now, let us know,? he said. ‘The sooner we know about problem intersections, the sooner something can be done.?