A Catholic Mass Station was established in 2003 to serve the growing Davisburg and Springfield Township area population. The community is celebrating its second year of service to families and individuals of all ages.
A 10 a.m. Mass, with a children’s Liturgy of the Word, are offered each Sunday at the Springfield Oaks Activity Center located near Davisburg.
Two priests, appointed by Cardinal Adam Maida, and a deacon serve the Mass Station community, which has attracted many young families. A steering committee and lay ministries provide direction and organization.
Religious education programs and sacramental preparation for children and adults are available, along with first communion and baptism.
Individual members are participating in music, worship, stewardship, faith formation and Christian service ministries.
As a first step in forming a parish to serve the growing Davisburg and Springfield Township area, the Archdiocese of Detroit established the Mass Station in 2003 and purchased 130 acres of land. The first Catholic Mass was celebrated on Sept. 14, 2003.
For more information, call (248) 634-4841, e-mail to Davisburgmass@aol.com or visit www. davisburgmass.com on the Internet.