Vote YES on Addison operating

Addison Township hasn’t requested voters increase its operating millage since 1978.
We see no reason for voters to deny the township’s first request in 27 years.
The township is asking voters to approve a 10-year, 0.3164-mill increase to bring its operating millage back up to its 1978 voter-approved rate of 1.41 mills. Over the last 27 years, the Headlee Amendment has rolled the operating millage back to its current rate of 1.0936 mill.
Unfortunately, the rising cost of doing business (i.e. health insurance benefits) coupled with increased legal fees due to suits filed against the township has not been matched by a sufficient increase in local tax revenues.
Last year, the township collected only $3,000 in additional property tax revenue.
Add to this, the fact Addison has suffered more than $200,000 in state revenue sharing cuts over the last three years.
Rising expenditures combined with a lack of revenue has forced Addison to make cuts to its road chloriding program and halt improvement projects such as adding gravel to its many rural roads.
Addison has always seemed to run a pretty tight ship budget-wise, so we see no reason for voters to reject its request for a tax increase.
Would that all governments asked for tax increases once every 27 years. We advise Addison residents to vote YES on the operating millage increase. ? CJC