If my mom were…

Third-graders in Christine Williams? class at Oxford Elementary wrote metaphores last week describing their moms in honor of Mother’s Day. Here’s a sample:

‘If my mom were a song, she would be ‘She Loves Me? because she loves me. Yea, Yea, Yea!?
? Courtney Turzak

‘If my mom were a candy, she would be Laffy Taffy because she laughs a lot.? ? Brandon Cappuccilli

‘If my mom were a TV show, she would be ‘Fear Factor? because she isn’t afriad of anything.?
? Hannah Green

‘If my mom were a flower, she would be a tulip because she is colorful.? ? David Kitchner

‘If my mom were candy, she would be caramel because she sticks with me.? ? Jordyn Hillary

‘If my mom were a song, she would be ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star? because she shines like a star.?
‘Mackenzie Collier