Youth attends seminar

Marie Timm, daughter of Barb and Mike Timm, an upcoming senior at Clarkston High School, was one of 800 high school students invited to participate in the 2005 Summer Leaders Seminar held annually in June at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York.
Attendees are invited based on a competitive basis using the academic, athletic and extracurricular information candidates provide in their application form.
The week-long program consists of academic workshops, where each student chooses four of 16 possible classes in various disciplines taught by Academy instructors. They also participate in military training, physical fitness training and intramural athletics under the leadership of West Point cadets, who act as squad leaders for all aspects of the program.
The students live in the cadet barracks and eat in the cadet dining facility at Washington Hall. While their schedule is packed with a variety of educational activities, tours of West Point and the West Point Museum are also included. Their is also a cadet-student mixer and a boat ride on the Hudson River.