Architect hired to design restrooms behind Centennial Park

Here’s some news to make your bladder gladder.
A local architect has been hired by the Village of Oxford to design restrooms for downtown’s Centennial Park.
Council last week voted to pay the Oxford-based D.L. Jones & Associates Architects not more than $840 to provide construction bid specification documents for a two-unit restroom to be constructed in the southwest parking lot, west of the park, not inside it, near the dumpster area.
The village has earmarked approximately $30,000 in federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds saved over a three-year period to build a permanent restroom building which would have separate facilities for men and women.
Manager Joe Young said the new restrooms would replace the portable units currently sitting in the southwest parking lot and come in quite handy for large events like Concerts in the Park and Celebrate Oxford.
D.L. Jones & Associates Architects has agreed to provide architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing construction documents for bidding and construction of an approximate 196-square-foot restroom building.
Once the plans are completed, the village can advertise and request bids for construction, which Young hopes would take place in the fall.
Young said the village is under a bit of a ‘time crunch? because if they do not spend their CDBG monies before Dec. 31 ‘we’re going to lose over $12,000.?