Candidate forum brings issues to center stage

The Review and the League of Women Voters Oakland Area (LWVOA) teamed up to host a Candidate Night last Thursday at the Orion Township Library.
The event gave all three school board candidates a chance to introduce themselves to the community and answer questions from the audience members.
The forum is set to air 12 more times on ONTV prior to the election.
The hour-long program will be shown on Channel 10 Friday-Monday at 10 a.m., 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Topics addressed included the budget, safety in the schools, technology, diversity, teacher involvement and the No Child Left Behind Act, among other things.
“You’re very fortunate to have these three candidates,” said moderator Mary Howarth of the LWVOA. “Please vote on May 8. If you don’t vote, you can’t complain.”