To the editor:
In the near future, you may be asked to sign petitions to recall four village council members.
The recall language states, ‘He failed to balance the village budget when requested to do so.?
Before you sign the petitions, please consider the following: 1) The village budget is balanced, 2) The state requires the village budget to be balanced, 3) The budget was balanced when the request was received, and 4) the balanced budget was approved by all council members including the member who was not included in the recall. The balanced budget may be viewed during normal business hours at the Goodrich Village Offices on M-15.
The four village council members have kept the budget balanced during their terms. Why are they being recalled?
Eliminate needless village election expenses by refusing to sign these recall petitions. Village resident for 38 years and Planning Commission Member for 25 years,
Joyce Welch Baker