Oakland County Drain Commission

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that John P. McCulloch, Oakland County Drain Commissioner, for and on behalf of the Oxford Multi-Lakes Lake Level Special Assessment District approved by the Circuit Court for Oakland County, will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m., May 5, 2008 at Christ the King Church, 1550 West Drahner, Oxford. The purpose of the Hearing is to review and hear objections to a five year special assessment roll for the repairs to the Oxford Multi-Lakes dam located in Section 33 of the Township of Oxford, County of Oakland, State of Michigan pursuant to the provisions of Section 30705 of Part 307 of Public Act 451 of the Public Acts of 1994, as amended.
The total amount of the special assessment is $150,000.00. The duration of the special assessment is five years. The Oakland County Treasurer’s Office will provide a separate annual mailing of this special assessment for properties located within the Oxford Multi-Lakes Lake Level Special Assessment District, with the first installment scheduled for summer 2008 at the time the loan is closed.
Any person affected by this special assessment may appear and be heard at the Hearing. The Special Assessment Roll will be on file at Oxford Township and the Office of the Oakland County Drain Commissioner for public examination.
Act 186 of the Public Acts of Michigan, 1973, as amended, provides that the special assessment must be protested at the hearing held for the purpose of confirming the special assessment roll before the Michigan Tax Tribunal may acquire jurisdiction of any special assessment dispute. Appearance and protest of the special assessment at the time and place of review is required in order to appeal the amount of the special assessment to the Michigan Tax Tribunal. An owner of or party of interest in property to be assessed, or his or her agent may appear in person to protest the special assessment, or may protest the special assessment by letter filed with the Oakland County Drain Commissioner, 1 Public Works Drive, Waterford, MI 48328, at or prior to the time of the review, in which case personal appearance is not required. If the special assessment is protested as provided above, the owner or any party having an interest in the real property may file a written appeal of the special assessment with the Michigan Tax Tribunal within 30 days after the confirmation of the Special Assessment Roll has been published in a newspaper of general circulation.
John P. McCulloch
Oakland County Drain Commissioner
Publish 4/9 & 4/16

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that special assessment amounts and the apportionment of costs of lands within the Frost Special Assessment District for maintenance of the Frost Drain will be available for review on March 1, 2006 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Oakland County Drain Commissioner’s Office, One Public Works Drive, Waterford, MI 48328.
The assessment covers the cost of the operation and maintenance of the County Drain serving the properties within the drainage district. The drainage district includes parcels in Sections 3 through 10, 15, 16 and 21 in the Township of Oakland, Sections 1, 2 and 12 in the Township of Orion, Sections 24, 30, 31 and 32 in the Township of Addison and Sections 25 and 36 in the Township of Oxford.
Therefore, all unknown and non-resident persons, owners and persons interested in the above described lands, and the County Clerk of Oakland, Board of Oakland County Road Commissioners and Township of Oxford Supervisor, Township of Addison Supervisor, Township of Orion Supervisor and the Township of Oakland Supervisor are hereby notified that the time and place aforesaid and at such other time and place to which said day of review may be adjourned, the apportionment for benefits and the land comprised within the Frost Special Assessment District will be subject to review.
The owner of any land in the special assessment district or any city, village, township, district or county who may disagree with the apportionment of benefits may appeal the apportionment within ten days after this day of review of apportionments by making an application to the Oakland County Probate Court for appointment of a Board of Review, as provided in Section 155 of the Michigan Drain Code (Act 40 of the Public Acts of Michigan, 1956, as amended).
The County of Oakland will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services. Persons with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in the review should contact the Oakland County Drain Commissioner’s Office at least one week in advance of the meeting to request mobility, visual, hearing or other assistance.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that special assessment amounts and the apportionment of costs of lands within the Frost Special Assessment District for maintenance of the Frost Drain will be available for review on March 1, 2006 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Oakland County Drain Commissioner’s Office, One Public Works Drive, Waterford, MI 48328.
The assessment covers the cost of the operation and maintenance of the County Drain serving the properties within the drainage district. The drainage district includes parcels in Sections 3 through 10, 15, 16 and 21 in the Township of Oakland, Sections 1, 2 and 12 in the Township of Orion, Sections 24, 30, 31 and 32 in the Township of Addison and Sections 25 and 36 in the Township of Oxford.
Therefore, all unknown and non-resident persons, owners and persons interested in the above described lands, and the County Clerk of Oakland, Board of Oakland County Road Commissioners and Township of Oxford Supervisor, Township of Addison Supervisor, Township of Orion Supervisor and the Township of Oakland Supervisor are hereby notified that the time and place aforesaid and at such other time and place to which said day of review may be adjourned, the apportionment for benefits and the land comprised within the Frost Special Assessment District will be subject to review.
The owner of any land in the special assessment district or any city, village, township, district or county who may disagree with the apportionment of benefits may appeal the apportionment within ten days after this day of review of apportionments by making an application to the Oakland County Probate Court for appointment of a Board of Review, as provided in Section 155 of the Michigan Drain Code (Act 40 of the Public Acts of Michigan, 1956, as amended).
The County of Oakland will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services. Persons with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in the review should contact the Oakland County Drain Commissioner’s Office at least one week in advance of the meeting to request mobility, visual, hearing or other assistance.

notice of day of review of apportionments
allen drain
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that special assessment amounts and the apportionment of costs of lands within the Allen Special Assessment District for maintenance of the Allen Drain will be available for review on January 31, 2006 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the-Oakland County Drain Commissioner’s Office, One Public Works Drive, Waterford, MI 48328.
This special assessment will be levied on the 2006 winter taxes for properties located within the Allen Drainage District, described as those properties located in Sections 2, 26, 27, 32, 33 and 34 in the Township of Brandon and Sections 3, 4 and 5 in the Township of Independence.
Therefore, all unknown and non-resident persons, owners and persons interested in the above described lands, and the County Clerk of Oakland, Board of Oakland County Road Commissioners and Township of Brandon Supervisor and the Township of Independence Supervisor are hereby notified that the time and place aforesaid and at such other time and place to which said day of review may be adjourned, the apportionment for benefits and the land comprised within the Allen Special Assessment District will be subject to review.
The owner of any land in the special assessment district or any city, village, township, district or county who may disagree with the apportionment of benefits may appeal the apportionment within ten days after this day of review of apportionments by making an application to the Oakland County Probate Court for appointment of a Board of Review, as provided in Section 155 of the Michigan Drain Code (Act 40 of the Public Acts of Michigan, 1956, as amended).
The County of Oakland will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services. Persons with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in the review should contact the Oakland County Drain Commissioner’s Office at least one week in advance of the meeting to request mobility, visual, hearing or other assistance.
Publish: 1-18-06