Dear Editor:
Many thanks to everyone who sent prayers, cards and monetary contributions for Emily Hansel and the ‘Walk with Me Fund?.
Emily suffered a stroke in January of this year and is improving a little each day. She still has a long road to recovery, but with God’s help and everyone’s prayers, maybe her journey won’t be that hard or long.
To everyone who sponsored fund raisers for Emily, we send our thanks and blessings to all of you:
Hillcrest Farms Subdivision, Friends and Neighbors; The Goodrich High School Boys Varsity Hockey Team, coach and players; Bullfrogs Restaurant, manager and staff; McDonald’s of Ortonville, manager and staff; EDS, management and co-workers; and St. Anne’s Catholic Church of Ortonville, pastor and members.
Many of you who contributed we have never met personally and may never get to meet you to shake your hand and to thank you for all the help you gave to our family. We are deeply touched by your generosity and thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Please know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers everyday and we hope God blesses you abundantly for being ‘Good Samaritans?.
John, Lisa and Emily Hansel