Ax owed an apology, truth

Dear Editor:
Harry Jr., what do you really know about David Ax? (‘Democracy works on principles of honesty, integrity, character,? The Citizen, page 7, Aug. 23).
Your first statement in your letter about what happened in your rural community, where all is pure and some bad man violated federal law and did not care, is a bunch of political crap. What do you really know about David Ax? Do you know how he raised his children, and what type of people they are, or how he is with his wife, or how he cares for his animals, or what volunteer work he does? I think not.
Do you think the voters would have voted differently if they knew Ax had a federal job? I think not! To say he did not care, at best, is careless on your part. Where were all the state and local officials that knew about his candidacy and had to do background checks before he decided to run? Where were the experienced politicians to tell Ax all about the outdated Hatch law and advise him he can’t run? I would have thought one of our experienced state or local officials would have been educating everyone about the outdated Hatch Act, maybe even Mr. DePalma, who you mentioned in this article. You are obviously speaking on his behalf, as you keep saying ‘we? in the article. It is either that, or you have a frog in your pocket called DePalma. That was a little humor: it is needed for people like you who are way out of line.
You are the type of person we should worry about, based on your statements. How dare you be so ready to condemn, and obviously for politics and hidden agendas? How dare you accuse and condemn any man for not having honesty, integrity and character before you even know the man? How dare you compare Ax to some of the leaders of Detroit who are thieves, adulterers, and liars? Those that so easily weigh, measure and judge a man for one mistake and then begin throwing stones are truly the people we need to worry about. That means you and your frog. You do all this for politics, for some hidden agenda. You go to this extreme for what, Harry? It is you who should be ashamed.
In closing, why don’t you call your own town hall meeting and invite the town, see who shows up and then you and I can have a debate. I bet I can find out what this is really about when we get face to face in front of a crowd and get you away from the safety of your keyboard. Bring your political friends and all your frogs, we will get to the bottom of your agenda and find out what kind of man you really are.
You, sir, owe David Ax an apology, and so does your frog!
David Saroli