Coverage for Oxford Twp. treasurer

A situation has arisen (see the two letters from Sue Bellairs) and this newspaper needs to let readers know what is what.
As some may know, Leader editor CJ Carnacchio is officially on this November’s ballot for Oxford Township treasurer. As some readers may also know, he has stated he is not running (read his column from July 23, 2008 on our website,
Let me say, as publisher of this newspaper, I will not and the newspaper will not endorse CJ for treasurer. We may or may not endorse the incumbent. We may choose to endorse no one. As we endorsed Ms. Bellairs and others this past August, we will make (or not) that decision and publish them the week before the election (October 29). Let me make this clear — the Oxford Leader is the Sherman family’s newspaper, as it has been since 1955. I was raised in this community and like my sisters graduated from Oxford High School. I, as my father before me did, have final say what does or does not appear on every page of this newspaper. That includes news coverage, opinion pieces, paid ads and classifieds.
I have personally checked with the Michigan Press Association’s attorney. This newspaper did not violate campaign law in regards to political advertisements. We accept political advertisement from anybody — as long as they pay for it in advance. We do, however, reserve the right not to publish ads we deem unacceptable. For those who would like to advertise, give ad manager Eric Lewis a call at 248-628-4801.
We urge people to learn more about each of the other candidates and decide who to vote for, for themselves. Readers can start this process by visiting our website and searching for a July 23, 2008 article entitled, ‘Candidates file for Nov. 4 ballot.?
And, just so there are no appearances of impropriety there will be no more columns by CJ in regards to the Nov. 4 treasurer’s race.
All news articles concerning the treasurer’s election will be handled by reporter Richard Zowie.
Assistant Publisher Don Rush — who has been with this newspaper over 23 years — will edit any articles Zowie writes regarding that election.

Jim Sherman, Jr., publisher