Kingsbury makes a difference with blankets

This winter’s going to be little warmer for some less fortunate folks thanks to the compassionate kids at Kingsbury Country Day School in Addison Township.
As a way to celebrate National Make A Difference Day, 117 students from junior kindergarten through eighth grade spent time Thursday afternoon making 140 fuzzy blankets for Children’s Hospital in Detroit, Oxford/Orion FISH and local women’s shelters.
‘We buddied them up, older with the younger,? said Julie Frontera, the Kingsbury parent who organized this event. ‘Our main goal was really for the kids to do something for others that had nothing to do with themselves.?
With the precison and quickness of an assembly line, the students used their nimble little fingers to make what are known as no-sew fleece blankets.
Consisting of one or two pieces of material, each blanket had fringes cut all the way around it. The fringes were then tied in knots.
Frontera was extremely grateful for the large discount JoAnn Fabrics in Rochester gave on the needed material.
She’s hoping this blanket-making won’t just be a one-time thing for Kingsbury.
‘I think if we can make this an annual event, we will,? Frontera said. ‘Eventually, maybe we could have other schools come join us ? make it a fun thing to help out.?