Turkeys call off strike at Clear Lake

Turkeys went on strike, fed up with being called stupid and with being the main course at Thanksgiving.
But the day was saved when an agreement was reached in time ‘The Turkeys Go On Strike?.
The play was performed Nov. 24 by Mrs. Melanie Royster’s 4th grade class at Clear Lake Elementary School.
While eating turkey and the fixings and watching football are exciting activities, the play reminded viewers that being thankful is the purpose of the holiday.
In the play, turkeys gave their demands, pilgrims talked about the hardships faced while traveling to the New World and both the squash and cranberries talked about how tired they were of playing second fiddle to the gobblers.
The football players also talked about how much Turkey Day meant to them.
Finally, moderators and arbitrators saved the day by helping all sides reach an agreement.
? Staff Writer Richard Zowie